We collect and analyze market information to get the most accurate information to help you make the best decisions.
Whatever the question, we design the survey you need, find the audience that has the information you are looking for and analyze the data obtained to provide you with concrete answers and effective strategies.
We have a wide range of quantitative methods to adapt to your target audience: face-to-face, telephone, online, smartphone surveys, by geostatistical area, etc.
This type of research allows us to examine the data in a numerical way, especially in the field of statistics. All the information is obtained based on a sample of the population and its results are explorable, that is, they allow us to draw conclusions from the results.
What do you need to know to make the best decisions in your business, enterprise or institution?
Whatever the question, we design the methodology you need, find the audience that has the information you are looking for and analyze the data obtained to offer you concrete answers and effective strategies with the following benefits:
In Tendencia IM we advise you to choose the best methodology depending on the results and the final information you want to obtain.
At Tendencia IM we help you obtain and collect information from your market through carefully planned surveys conducted by experienced experts. We process the data for you, so that you can concentrate only on making the best decision for your company and optimizing the commercial opportunities for your business.PUBLIC OPINION STUDIES
At Tendencia IM we offer you our technical capacity to obtain timely Electoral Information to help you make decisions in a reliable and professional basis. We are a proudly Authorized Agency by the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Institute of the State of Queretaro (IEEQ).SATISFACTION ENQUIRIES
Find out what customers think of your product or service in an increasingly competitive market. We measure your customer satisfaction and obtain relevant data and information we process for you. Discover new opportunities and foresee future threats.We pose as a normal client and evaluate the service and shopping experience your customers or your competitors' clients receive.
By using scenarios, we can learn the reactions and responses of the staff to unusual actions, problem solving and response time.